How 1: How do I go about changing the lock to my suite door?

  • All the suite door keys are on one master key. The master key system allows the corporation to gain entry in case of an emergency or for necessary pre-announced repairs. Residents are not permitted to change the suite door lock without authorization from the Property Management Office. The Property Manager will provide the contact information for a recommended locksmith. Safety chain/double locks, etc. may not be attached to suite entry doors without consent from the Board of Directors.

See pertinent Declaration Sections: TSCC1577, TSCC1723.

How 2: How do I go about having a bike eyebolt installed in my parking spot?

  •  Please call the Management Office (416 239-9786) to arrange a good time to drop down to sign your usage agreement, pay the Fee (currently a cheque for $25.00 made out to Essex Shared Facilities) and agree on the best spot for the installation. Click here to see the essence of the usage agreement.

How 3: How do I arrange for a real estate agent to have access to my suite when I am away?

  • Answer: By prior-arrangement with the Concierge, you may authorize a designated real estate agent(s) to leave a lock box in the stairwell at your floor in which the agent(s) will store a key that you provide to them directly. The Concierge will not hold any keys. This arrangement is between you and real estate agent. The Concierge will let your designated real estate agent(s) into the building, but is not permitted to open suite doors by verbal request of anyone.

How 4: How do I arrange for disposal of a large surplus item, such as a sofa?

  • Please call the Management Office (416 239-9786), before disposing of any large items, so that the next available pickup date can be determined and relayed to you. Please be aware that there is no space in this building for multi-day storage of items, without interfering with building operations or other Resident traffic.

To minimize items that must be disposed of this way, please make every effort to either: arrange with the vendor or delivery company to take the old item away as part of the sales agreement, or make an arrangement with the delivery person to do so. If these options fail: Bring the item down to the area designated by management on the designated day, and NOT before.

How 5: How can I do my part to reduce garbage items and save us all money on garbage fees?

  •  Please make every effort when buying new appliances or furntiture to either, arrange with the vendor or delivery company to take the old item away as part of the sales agreement, or make an arrangement with the delivery person to do so.
  • Have the vendor take back the packaging on large delivered items.
  • Take housdold hazardous wastes and computer electronic materials to the City’s depots.
  • Take toner cartridges back to the store and place them in their toner recycling bins.
  • Return plastic bags to drop off boxes in your local grocery store.
  • Take wire hangers back to your cleaners.
  • Donate useful clothiing and applicances to charitable organizations.

How 6: How do I know if the fire detector(s) in my suite are working?

  • Residents should check their in-suite detector(s) on a monthly basis. Simply, depress the test button on the smoke or heat detector until it sounds. Should it not sound within a second or two, notify the Property Management Office immediately. On an annual basis, the corporation arranges for the detectors in every suite to be tested. On a monthly basis, the corporation arranges for inspection of the building alarm system as per the requirements of the Ontario Fire Code. Click here for more on Fire Detection

How 7: How do I get access to the building enterphone so my guests can tell me they are in the lobby entrance. I don’t have a land line telephone account. I use a cell phone to meet all my voice communication needs?

  • You don’t need a land line account, but to access the enterphone you do need a land line handset. Just buy an inexpensive handset and connect it to the primary suite phone jack. That’s all there is to it.

Where 1: Where do I find the emergency water shut off valve in my suite?

  • The emergency water shutoff valves are usually located under the master bathroom counter. There is one for hot water and one for cold. Depending on the size of your suite, you may have 1 or 2 pairs of shut off valves in each bathroom.

In Essex 1, the valves are behind a metal plate that is easy to open. Then, just turn to shut off the water and turn in the opposite direction to open each valve.

In Essex 2, you need a special tool, a T-handle Wrench – provided to original owners on possession. If necessary, a replacemnt is availablke at the Management Office at a cost of $15.00. See Essex 2 Instructions.

Where 2: Where do I find the contact information for the suppliers of original equipment and finishes for my suite?

Click here for a copy of the Essex 1 original supplier list – PDF

Click here for a copy of the Essex 2 original supplier list – PDF

  • The contractor list was published in the Tridel Essex 1 Homecare Manual, May 2003, that was issued to all new homeowners.

Where 3:Where do I get replacement fan coil filters?

  • Replacement filters are available from the Concierge for a package fee of $25.00 for five filters. Payable by personal check only. No cash.

Where 4: Where do I find the Visitor long-term parking spots?

To arrange for long term Visitor parking, Residents must register the visitor and vehicle with the Management Office, leave a security deposit and obtain a temporary access fob for garage access only.

Any cars without a long term pass displayed on the dashboard parked in long term Visitors parking will be ticketed and or towed. No residents may park in long term Visitor parking at any time, and are subject to towing and ticketing at any time.

  • In the Phase 2 resident parking level P2.

Where 5: Where do I find the Standard Unit Definition?

Click here to download a PDF copy for Essex 1.

For Essex 2 owners, the Definition of a Standard Unit can be found on pages 87 and 88 or the Management Office, or

Click here to download a PDF copy for Essex 2.

  • The Standard Unit Definition is included in the owner’s Condominium Documents obtained from their lawyers on closing. For Essex 1 owners the Definition of a Standard Unit can be found on pages 83 through 86, or the Management Office, or

Where 6: Where do I find schools close to The Essex?

Click here to download a PDF list.

  • TDSB and TCDSB list a number of nearby schools for parents at The Essex to consider.

Where 7: Where do I find the User Manual for my Verex Suite Alarm system?

Click here  for the Essex 1 Welcome Package.

Click here  for the Essex 2 Welcome Package

Click here  for the full Verex User Manual

  • The Suite Alarm user manual was handed out to all original owners. A summary of common use commands is included in the Welcome Package provided to all new owners. A full manual is available also.

Where 8: Where do I find the Instructions to Occupants on FIRE Procedures?

Click here  for the Essex 1 and Essex 2 Fire Plan Instructions for Occupants.

  • The Essex Fire Safety Plan outlines instructions for occupants (residents and guests) in case of a fire situation in The essex site and buildings.

Why 1: Why is there a gap around my suite entry door?

So don’t install weather stripping that might inhibit the required flow of fresh air. The corridor fresh air units continually pump fresh air into corridors. Combined with your in suite exhaust fans, the gap around the entry door allows fresh air to enter your suite from the corridor fresh air supply. This flow into your suite helps control the problem of condensation and keeps your suite free of stale air and lingering cooking odours even with the windows closed. When exterior windows are closed, this the only source of fresh air for your suite.

Not only does the supply of fresh air introduced into the corridors provide a more comfortable living atmosphere, it is also is a safety feature in the even of a fire. If there is a fire in the building, the corridor fresh air units are immediately disabled, in order that smoke does not enter the suite.

  • The gap is a Building Code requirement and must be kept clear of obstruction to allow the circulation of fresh air into your suite.

Why 2: Why doesn’t the Concierge open my suite door for me when I ask?

Such a courtesy service of opening a resident’s suite entry door when asked by a resident who finds them self without their key would obviously be most convenient. However, we are warned by our legal counsel that such a service carries with it an unacceptable personal safety risk for other residents of the suite in question and an equally unacceptable liability risk for the Corporation. For example, there is the potential of the Corporation unwittingly becoming a party or an accessory to an altercation or domestic disturbance.

There is also the potential for the person authorized by the Corporation to unlock the door to also become involved in some way that puts him/her at risk as well. All companies that contract with condominium corporations make it a condition of the contract that their personnel will not open suite doors under these conditions just because of this unwarranted risk to them.

For these reasons, the Corporations have no intention of changing their Declarations to allow such a service in the future.

Should a resident have the misfortune to be locked out of their suite, we suggest the following options (just as if you are living in a house) for your consideration:

  1. Keep a spare copy of your suite key with a highly trustworthy friend, relative or neighbour, and obtain your key from that person, or
  2. Call a locksmith, justify the legitimacy of your condition and have them open your door. The Concierge will be pleased to assist you by giving you the phone number for you to make the arrangements.

However, please keep in mind that if you intend to exercise this option and it entails the changing or re-keying of any door lock, you must first obtain the written consent of the Board and comply with all other requirements set out in the pertinent subsection of the Declaration.

See Pertinent Declaration Sections: TSCC#1577, TSCC#1723.

  • The practice of opening suite doors because of lost or misplaced keys is contrary to the Declarations of TSCC#1577 and TSCC#1723. There are valid reasons for a person authorized by the Corporations to gain entry to a suite, however opening suite doors for resident(s) who have lost or misplaced their key is not one of them.

Why 3: Why doesn’t our website have a BLOG feature for resident communication?

The Boards are concerned that a BLOG feature would be susceptible to SPAM and other unacceptable content that could embarrass the Essex community. Further, the Boards do not believe it is a feature valuable enough to risk that eventuality nor the time and cost of moderating the BLOG, since the current website feedback features provide an easy way for residents to ask any question of the Property Manager and/or the Board(s) and receive a prompt acknowledgement and a private reply as soon as reasonably possible.

For those questions that appear to be of general interest, the question and answer will be posted to this FAQ section for viewing by all residents.

  • The Boards have considered the idea and have decided not to add a BLOG feature. Even though the Essex website is designed for the use of Essex residents, it is open to the public.

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Who 1: Who has responsibility for maintenance and repair in the building?

For exclusive use common elements, such as balconies, the responsibility is shared with the unit owner, but the corporation has the final say on what and how any maintenance or repair activities are accomplished.

Damage to other units or common elements resulting from the negligence of any unit owner/occupant will be repaired by the Corporation; however, the Corporation will seek reimbursement from the responsible unit owner/occupant. In particular circumstances, the appropriate sections of the Declaration should be checked, in order to determine both responsibilities and ownership.

Click here for an Illustrative List of Responsibilities – PDF

  • In general, the Corporation is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement requirements for the common elements.

Who 2: Who is responsible for maintenance and repair of the fan coil units(s) in my suite?

To ensure the operating integrity of the overall building plumbing and electrical systems, the corporation must arrange ANY repair work. Call the Property Manager at (416) 239-9786 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday to resolve your concern.

To facilitate the annual preventive maintenance checks and filter changes, the corporation has undertaken that responsibility on behalf of owners and includes the cost in the monthly suite maintenance fee.

Click here for a fuller description of fan coil operations and responsibilities – PDF

  • The Homeowner is responsible for all maintenance, repair and replacement of and all costs (including filters) of the system exclusively serving his/her unit.

Who 3: Who is responsible for disposal of large garbage items. such as a surplus sofa?

To minimize the number of large items that must be disposed of in this way, make every effort to arrange with the vendor or delivery company to take the old item away as part of the sales agreement, or make an arrangement with the delivery person to do so.

NOTE: Under no circumstances, should a Resident bring down a large item for disposal without making prior arrangements. There is no space in this building for multi-day storage of items, without interfering with building operations or other Resident traffic.

  • The Resident is responsible for disposal of all large items. However, the Management Office can help coordinate the pick up process with the City. Please call the Management Office (416 239-9786) as soon as you know you will need to dispose of a large item.

Who 4: Who is responsible for enforcing good behaviour in Six Points Park?

The Essex Condominiums have no authority or responsibility to enforce rules for Six Points Park.

For the convenience of Essex residents, a simplified list of rules applicable to Six Points Park is available here.

  • Six Points Park is owned by the City of Toronto, for which it has responsibility and authority for setting and enforcing rules that govern use of all city parks.

What 1: What do I do if I discover a fire inside my suite?

  • Leave your suite immediately, and close all doors. Call Fire Department – 911. Sound Fire Alarm. Leave building via nearest exit. REMAIN CALM.

What 2: What do I do when I hear the fire alarm when I am in my suite?

  • Wait for instructions on your suite emergency speaker. Follow instructions. If requested, leave building via nearest exit. CAUTION: If smoke is heavy in the corridor, it may be safer to stay in your area. Close door and place a wet towel at the base of the door and if necessary use duct tape to seal all sides of the door. If you encounter smoke in the stairway, use an alternate exit. ALWAYS proceed DOWN the stairwell. NEVER GO UP the stairwell. REMAIN CALM.

What 3: What do I do if I discover a fire or hear the fire alarm when I am outside my suite?

  • Leave the area immediately, and close all doors. Call Fire Department – 911. Sound Fire Alarm. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. CAUTION: If smoke is heavy in the corridor, it may be safer to stay in your area. Close door and place a wet towel at the base of the door and if necessary use duct tape to seal all sides of the door. If you encounter smoke in the stairway, use an alternate exit. ALWAYS proceed DOWN the stairwell. NEVER GO UP the stairwell. REMAIN CALM.

What 4: What happens when I press the RED button on my access fob?

  • If you feel there is a threat or an emergency while you are in the residents’ garage, simply press the red button on your access fob transmitter which will automatically activate the horns and strobe lights. At this same time, security will be notified of an alarm through the computer system. As closed circuit cameras monitor the underground parking areas, the Concierge may be able to view your location and alert the appropriate authorities or speak with you through the nearest intercom.

The access transmitter is considered a part of and belonging to the dwelling unit. If one of these devices is lost or stolen, you must report it immediately to the Property Management Office 416-239-9786 (at which time it will be de-activated from the system to avoid illegal entry into the building by non-residents). Replacements may be purchased from Property Management for a nominal fee.

What 5: What do I do if my fan coil does not seem to be working properly?

  • Call the Property Manager to help to decide if a fan coil technician needs to be called. Often, the Property Manager or Superintendent can resolve the issue in consultation with the Resident. If necessary, the Property Manager will arrange for a technician to be called to diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs. The suite owner will be billed for the costs.

What 6: What I need to know about the Essex recycling program?

  • Waste management at The Essex has evolved over the years, always with a focus on maximizing the separation of recyclable materials from other waste materials and the diversion of such material away from landfills.

There are regulations in place under Ontario Regulation 103/94 IC&I Separation Programs for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings such as ours that state that programs must be in place to separate aluminum food and beverage cans, glass food and beverage bottles/jars, newsprint, steel food and beverage cans, and P.E.T. plastic bottles for food and beverage, plus other materials collected in the local municipal Blue Box recycling program.

How these materials are collected and separated is left to the collection entity. Recycling material is sold to private recycling contractors and the funds generated help keep garbage pickup fees down. However, if loads are highly contaminated, they are rejected and end up in landfill and the hauler loses potential revenue. Therefore, it is important that we put only the proper materials in the recycling bins. We fully support the City of Toronto’s aggressive goal to ultimately divert 100% of waste materials away from landfill sites. However this aggressive goal will only be achievable through the cooperative efforts of homeowners

In our early years, we relied on City of Toronto collection services to guide our efforts. In mid 2008, the City established a garbage levy on high rise residential buildings such as ours to encourage reduction of undifferentiated waste – garbage. Unfortunately, aside from the immediate increase in costs, the city pickup service became unacceptably erratic. The Essex successfully contracted with a private hauler, Wasteco at a total waste collection fee substantially lower than the city charge and with better service.

While being subject to the above regulatory regime, our contractor has different recycling collection procedures from the City, so please be guided accordingly by following our guidelines on gathering up your recyclable materials. Over time, Wasteco has been able to simplify waste separation decisions that we as residents need to make every day, while also reducing the contractor’s collection costs that ultimately get passed on to us as customers.

For example, more plastics can now be put in our large MIXED RECYCLING bins: Material with Plastics’ recycling codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 can now go in the same recycling bin. Previously only codes 1 and 2 were allowed; the others were classed as garbage

Here at The Essex, we are committed to overall waste reduction. Please be extra diligent and do your part by gathering up your recyclable materials as listed on the recycling guide for your building.

Click here for Essex 1 Recycling Guide

Click here for Essex 2 Recycling Guide

If you have any questions, please contact the Management Office at 416 239-9786.

What 7:What is my common expense payment?

  • Also referred to as maintenance fees, they are a monthly charge for the utilities, regular upkeep, management, administration, and insurance for the common element areas. The fees vary according to project and the suite size. The fees are established on an annual basis and each suite pays a portion of the costs based on the suite’s percentage share of the total chargeable elements.

What 8: What does the maintenance fee include?

  • The maintenance fees include all services necessary to run the Corporation. There is also a projection of expenses made to cover repairs and maintenance of the common elements, including the annual contribution to the reserve fund in accordance with an engineered reserve fund study to allow for future expenses with regard to Repair and Replacement of the common elements to avoid any financial stress on a future homeowner.

What 9: What is the Standard Unit Bylaw?

  • The standard unit by-law defines what is part of the standard unit and this definition is used to determine what the corporation’s insurance obligations are with respect to the unit.

All other items which are within the unit boundaries which are not common elements and are not part of the standard unit are considered improvements and are the unit owners’ obligation to insure.

If the unit owner does not get insurance to cover these improvements, then the unit owner may be at a loss in the event of damage to the unit.

Owners are advised to review the standard unit by-law and to obtain insurance coverage for items that are within their units and are not listed in the standard unit by-law. Owners should send a copy of it to their insurers.

The standard unit bylaw is included in the owner’s Condominium Documents obtained from their lawyers on closing.

For Essex 1 owners the Definition of a Standard Unit can be found on pages 83 through 86, or the Management Office, or Click here to download an  Essex 1 PDF copy.

For Essex 2 owners, Definition of a Standard Unit can be found on pages 87 and 88, or

When 1: When are the next Annual General Meeting(s) of owners?

  • The Annual General Meeting of owners of TSCC 1577 is scheduled for May of each year.
  • The Annual General Meeting of owners of TSCC 1723 is scheduled for May of each year.

When 2: When are people allowed in Six Points Park?

For your convenience, a simplified list of all rules applicable to Six Points Park is available here.

  • The City of Toronto rules of usage stipulate that no person shall enter or gather in Six Points Park between 12:01 am and 5:30 am.