
The rules have been updated and supercede any listed below. Below are general rules for your information. Please discuss with management should there be any questions.

Essex 1, Essex 2 and Essex Shared Facilities

About helping us all to be good neighbours

Close neighbours need good rules to make the community enjoyable for everyone. Being a good neighbour in a condominium community is generally the same as anywhere else, except that residents of condominiums live in closer quarters and the opportunity to annoy one another’s quiet enjoyment of their homes is therefore higher. Condominium communities have rules that alert residents and their guests about appropriate behaviour. Check out the rule clusters below if you are in doubt about the specifics of being an Essex Good Neighbour.

Essex 1 Rules

Essex 1 Suites and Common Elements – PDF – About things we do in our suites, building, parking and grounds.

Essex 2 Rules

Essex 2 Suites and Common Elements – PDF – About things we do in our suites, building, parking and grounds:

Essex Shared Facilities Rules

Essex Policies

Essex Processes

Essex Governance

Condominium Act, 1998